Saturday, April 25, 2009

White Things On My Balls


On this ground, which has short First, it is a clear and assertive form of idleness. Time flies, does nothing of what is here, bathed in idleness.

That there be volatile for example, to roam around, to jabber, to ogle, grooming constantly when nothing moves, it is there, he, emu, around, is language. A spout on a neck, a neck on a body, a body on the legs, legs on greenhouses, greenhouses on the floor, pass and that is language. Some gestures are capable of filling space on the ground. The ground is decorated, garden.

Be it passing through here in the garden is reason enough. Over time, this is where it is, that's on the ground, while a feathery thing to another thing wraps feathery. While an air continues to be ground, the slight thigh, high emissions falling down here on earth to dumb down here. Do not

off, do not steal, sometimes runs into the garden. Kills time around, flirt fur wind struts in the laurels, speed is suspended from the flowers.

And hop a greenhouse still falls to the ground, midway along the animal body. Do nothing other than oneself is to be her stupid female, fluffy yet to crop, making cloud above the ground, holding language strides, head buried in the neck, scratching at the turn of the spout. Snapping beak too, cool head, not sentimental eye without lashes, fixed and always open.

As such, worried man.

again under the high torque, a wandering eye at the end of the neck twisted in this way to scare the man. Make a chilling human, his own eye lidless can watch his own ass. Within the neck, glottis long slide in déboulée on the esophagus, hits dry boomboom, is hear on earth here below, silent face.

Boumboum in space, the apple runs the chatter, hit the belly of the bird, reptilian relic jet throat and feather flower, drum clamps and suction cups, occasionally peeling off the crust of earth silent, here in the lower garden.

Plow the soil, writes of his long legs large saurian, inscribed, incised, scans a trace left by his march oviparous, perpendicular to the blue, just in recovery of animal, without a wing in sight.