Sunday, December 26, 2010

Whats The Difference Between The Mino Hd

Horos Council of Chalcedon (451)

Horos Council of Chalcedon

1. Next, therefore the holy Fathers,

2. confess one and the same Son,

3. Our Lord Jesus Christ,

4. we all unanimously teach

5. the same perfect in divinity

6. the same perfect in humanity,

7. truly God and truly man,

8. the same compound of a reasonable soul and body,

9. consubstantial with the Father according to the deity,

10. and consubstantial with us, even as humanity

11. like us in everything except sin,

12. before the ages begotten of the Father according to the deity,

13. and last, days,

14. the same for us and for our salvation,

15. of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God according to humanity,

16. one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, the Only Begotten,

17. acknowledged in two natures

18. without confusion, without change, without division, without separation,

19. Unlike the natures being in no way removed by the union,

20. but the property of each nature being preserved rather

21. and concurring in one person and one hypostasis,

22. non-shared and divided into two persons,

23. but being one and the same only-begotten son,

24. God, the Word, Lord Jesus Christ,

25. like the prophets of long about it

26. and himself, our Lord Jesus Christ, taught

27. and as we passed the symbol of the Fathers.

source : ~ forum / viewtopic.php? F = 8 & t = 2428 # p17032