Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Unit 8 Vocabularyanswers

Opium and stick

Director: Ahmed Rachedi
Scenario: Mouloud Mammeri
Photo Director: Rachid MERABTINE
Editing: Eric Pluet
Interpretation: Marie José Nat, Mustapha Kateb, Sid Ali Kouiret, Fettouma Ousliha, Jean Louis Trintignant.
ONCIC Production Year 1970. Colors. 35 mm. 2:05
The film brings to the screen's book Mouloud Mammeri the same title. This is the story of Thala village kabyle, during the war with one hand the presence of the French army and the long procession of abuse that we know, the other a village with people engaged in the hard life of fields and gradually find themselves drawn into the struggle for liberation. This film is honest enough in terms of achievement, if it wasn 'side too "American" of some fight scrub. For the rest it's not what we call a work inspired: except maybe the scene where the army will destroy the village and the grove where the old peasants entwine trunks and old cry ...
In "Omar Gatlato Meanwhile, looks on Algerian cinema " of Wassyla Tamzali. Editions EN.AP 1979.

introductory sequence: The Opium And The Baton (VO)
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