Friday, January 11, 2008

Chocolate Brown Accent Wall Bedroom

Wars Of Liberation

Director: Farouk Belloufa
Editing: y. Khodja Hamid Djellouli
Music: Piccioni
Comment: Ahmed Fadhel
Production: Ministry of Information. Executive Producer CAC Year 1972. 35 mm. Black and White. 1:30
It is a bit embarrassing to fill the data sheet for this film. Farouk Belloufa had indeed made a film based archival materials purchased after the film made in France from the book by Yves Courrière " The war in Algeria." This work, entitled "Liberation " placed the Algerian war of liberation from a historical perspective linking the October Revolution to the struggles of national liberation in Asia and Africa.
the producer (the Ministry of Information) estimates that the film did not meet his vows and made up this document he then called "The War of Liberation . We can say immediately that the new title (and final movie) reveals at least much less ambitious than the original draft Farouk Belloufa. On the publication of the Ministry of Information: Cinema Film 1987-1973, the producer's name does not appear. And also it refuses to recognize " The war of liberation" as his film. This shows how difficult it was to fill the sheet of film has changed titles, which no longer exists and the director denies the paternity. The film it is possible to see a documentary is "honest" about the Algerian war of liberation.
In "Omar Gatlato Meanwhile, looks on Algerian cinema " of Wassyla Tamzali. Editions EN.AP 1979.


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