Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sayings Harley Quinn Would Love

THE FEAST IS READY! Paschal homily Chrysostom

Christ is risen!

Let every pious man and a friend of God enjoys this beautiful and solemn light!

That any faithful servant between rejoicing in the joy of his Lord!

Whoever bothered to fast now to receive the penny it deserves!

Let him who has labored from the first hour now receives his just reward!

If someone came after the third hour, it is celebrated in thanksgiving!

If anyone has delayed until the sixth hour, he had no hesitation, because he will lose nothing!

If this is the one who gave up the ninth hour, let him approach without hesitation!

If it is one that has dragged on until the eleventh hour, he DID NOT ashamed of his warmth, because the Lord is generous, he also receives the last well as the first.

He admits that the rest of the eleventh hour as the workers of the first hour.

Of the last he took pity and took care of first.

In this one he gives, the other gives grace.

It welcomes works with and receives affection goodwill.

It honors the action and laud the good words.

Thus, all enter into the joy of your

Lord and the former as the latter, you will receive the reward.

Rich and poor, lazy and sober, mind you in celebrating this day.

Whether you have fasted or not, rejoice today.

The table is prepared, taste it, all

the fatted calf is served, no one goes home empty stomach.

Enjoy all the banquet of faith, the treasure of goodness.

That no one deplores his poverty, for the kingdom appeared to all.

That no one laments his errors, because forgiveness has sprung from the tomb.

Let no one fear death, for the Savior has granted us:

it did disappear after having suffered.

He stripped the hell, who descended into Hell.

It was filled with bitterness for having tasted of His flesh.

And that Isaiah had predicted:

Hell, "he said, was angry when he met you in the ground.

He took a body and found himself before a God

who took the land, he met the sky;

who took what he saw,

he fell because of what he did not see.

O Death, where is thy sting?

Hell, where is thy victory?

Christ is risen and yourself are overwhelmed.

Christ is risen and the demons are fallen.

Christ is risen and the angels are in joy.

Christ is Risen, and life reigns.

Christ is risen

and there is more death to the grave.

For Christ is risen from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.

To him be glory and power forever and ever. Amen.

Homily of our Holy Father in John Chrysostom Archbishop of Constantinople

Christ is risen!

Truly He is risen!


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