Thursday, May 13, 2010

How To Break Number Lock In Vip Suitcase



RP George Florovsky

I certainly can not believe in the Scripture, if the authority of the Catholic Church encouraged me to do .

Augustine of Hippo, Against Letter of Mani , 1.1.

St. Vincent of Lerins and Tradition

The famous phrase of St. Vincent of Lerins characterizes the attitude of the ancient Church in faith "Let what has always and everywhere been thought of all" . That was both the criterion and standard. The key point emphasized by that there was the permanence of Christian teaching . Saint Vincent called by the double ecumenicity of Christian faith-in time and space. In fact, it is this grand vision that had, in his time, inspired a Irenaeus : One Church, widespread and dispersed throughout the universe, and yet speaking with one voice and taking over the same faith, as have sent the blessed Apostles and that have preserved the witnesses successive "She comes from the Apostles, which is guarded by the succession of priests in Churches' . These two aspects of faith, or rather, these two dimensions were absolutely inseparable. Universality, antiquity, like the idea of consensus, were together. None of these criteria do not suffice alone. The antiquity as such does not guarantee the truth, unless it could prove conclusively the existence of a large consensus of elders. Conversely, unanimous agreement was not evidence unless it could show that he was connected, without interruption, the apostolic origins. However, suggested St. Vincent, true faith is made known by a double ways: through Scripture and Tradition [1] . This does not imply that there were two sources of Christian doctrine. Indeed, the rule or canon of Scripture was something "perfect" and "totally self-sufficient only [2] . So why was it necessary to add to it any authority? Why was it necessary to appeal also to the authority of the ecclesial sense [3] ? The reason is obvious: the Scriptures were given different interpretations depending on the individual, "so it seems that we can draw as many meaning that interpreters [4] . A variety of opinions that "personal", St Vincent between the "common" understanding of the Church, the spirit of the Catholic Church: "That this line of interpretation of the prophets and apostles to be drawn on the rule ecclesial sense and universal [5] . Tradition was not, according to St. Vincent, an independent body or a supplementary source of faith. "Understanding the Church" could in no way add to Scripture. but it was the only way to discover and to certify the true meaning of Scripture . It was authorized interpreter. In this sense, the tradition was co-extensive with Scripture, and one could define it precisely: "Scripture rightly understood." As for Scripture, it was for St. Vincent and the only primultime canon of Christian truth [6] .

[1] Duplica modo ... primum scilicet legis DINAE auctoritate, tum deinde ecclesiae Catholicae traditionalist "In two ways ... first, the authority of divine law, then, the tradition of the Catholic Church."

[2] Ad omnia satis SuperQue sufficiat : "Complete and more than sufficient for all things."

[3] Ecclesiasticae intelligentiae auctoritas : authority to understand how to clean the Church, the Church's understanding of Scripture .

[4] Ut paene quot homines tot illinc sententiae erui posse videantur .

[5] Ut propheticae et apostolicae interpretationis linea secundum ecclesiastici et catholici sensus normam dirigatur .

[6] Commonitorium 2, voir aussi [28] .



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