land and islands
of St. Mark of Ephesus.
The men who led us into exile, captivity in a pernicious, and sought to draw us into the shallows of Babylon, the dogmas and rites of the Latins, could not drive their project forward, realizing their own land of its absurdity and its impossibility, and stopped midway, they and all who followed them, but remain what they were, or become what they are not, they abandoned Jerusalem, the true vision of peace (cf. IS. 28: 16; 1 Peter 2: 6) and Mount Zion, strong faith and unwavering ; As to be Babylonians and bear the name, they do not want nor can; so we could just call the Greco-Roman, we call these deserters usually Latinized.
These animals mixed, cousins of the centaurs fable, with the Latins confess that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son and that He was the Son because of His existence -in the words of their definition of faith-conciliar and with us, say that He proceeds from the Father with the Latins, they argue that the addition of the Filioque the symbol thing was legitimate and well founded and, with us, refusing to recite in the Creed, though, is something legitimate and well founded, there is nothing to recite, is not it true? Always with the Latins, they say the unleavened bread is the Body of Christ, but with us, would not dare to take communion. Do this does not feature enough to portray the mood of these characters? If we add that this is not love of truth led them to meet with Latin-this truth, they had in their hands, they have betrayed, but the lure gold and the desire to conclude a union dummy, not the truly unite.
2. Now it is necessary to examine the mode of their union: union said because that says the medium term by which we unite. In this case, it is the dogma on the Holy Spirit they believed unite the Latins, confessing with them that the Son also draws its existence to everything else, they differ, and there is nothing between them, not even one thing is common to them or even intermediate. On the contrary, one recites another two different symbols, as before, we celebrate two liturgies dissimilar, with consecration of the unleavened bread up in the other, two baptisms, one of which is a triple dip, the other in an effusion of water on top of the head and while the former necessarily involves Confirmation, the second can even do without it; last two customs, in any and all different, whether fasts, orders church or anything of that kind. Where is the union, when no external sign makes it tangible and obvious? And how have united people who intend to remain attached to their own use-they even said mutual agreement and does not follow the traditions received from the Fathers?
3. But these reasoners are saying? "The Greek Church has never said that the Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father alone, but simply that it proceeded from the Father and yet that assertion does not exclude the Son of the procession, so that, on this subject, united we once were and still are now. " Alas! What nonsense! And what blindness! If the Greek Church has always confessed the procession out of the Spirit of the Father, having received this doctrine of Christ Himself, the Holy Apostles and the Fathers of the Councils and if she never confessed the procession out of the Son, that doctrine does has in fact received from person what did she have always said, if the procession out of the Father alone? For if the Spirit does not proceed from the Son, it is clear that proceeds from the Father alone.
see the same thing in the Creed about the generation. "Born of the Father before all ages".
Who says here "born of one father"? Yet we hear very well, and we make explicit to anyone who asks, because we did not learn that the Son was born of no other!
Finally, it is because of this doctrine that Damascene , on behalf of the entire Church and all Christians , stated: "We're not saying the Spirit from the Son "(PG, 94 c.832 B.). If we say the Spirit from the Son, it is clear that we say from the Father alone. So he said a little ago: "For the Son, we do not say point cause" (ibid.) and in the next chapter: "Only the Father is concerned" (ibid., c.849 B.).
4. What are they saying now? "We never considered the Latins as heretics, but only as schismatics."
argument, let us note first, that the Latins they have borrowed, they call us because of schismatics, because they have nothing to us blame on dogma, but believe we have been disobedient to the allegiance they think we owe them. See if it is fair to reciprocate and if we do, we do not blame them on doctrine.
They give, as we know, because of the schism, having brought to light the addition of the Filioque they muttered between their teeth before, for our part, we are the first to separate them, or rather, we have separated and cut off from the common body of the Church. Why tell me? Because they had an orthodox doctrine or fair reasons to introduce their bill? And who says that, unless you have the brains completely deranged?
Or because their dogma was absurd and impious addition, illegitimate? So for heresy that we have turned away from them, such was the reason for our separation from them.
What other reason could there be in effect? The laws of piety friends say they do not: "Is a heretic, and within the scope of laws regarding heretic who deviates, however little it may be, of the Orthodox faith "(St. Photios , Nomocanon XII, c. 2).. If therefore the Latins did not deviate an inch of the Orthodox faith, we, of course, had no reason to hide from the church, but they have completely deviated, and this, in the theology of the Holy Spirit, it is infinitely dangerous to blaspheme, so they are heretics, and we excluded from the Church for heresy.
move on. Chrismon Why Us those of them that come to Orthodoxy? Is not that, obviously, because they are heretics? The eighth canon of the Second Ecumenical Council says: "Those who return from a heresy and orthodoxy in the aggregate to the part of elected officials, we receive according to the rites and practices include: Arians, Macedonians, Sabbatiens and Novatians who call themselves Cathars (the Pure) and Best and the Quartodecimans or Tétradites and Apollinaris, we receive them if they give a written text, condemning all anathema to the heresy not conform to the dogma of the Holy Church of God Catholic and Apostolic Church, and they receive before being admitted, the seal or Confirmation, we do with the holy chrism on the forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth and ears, saying: "The Seal of the Holy Spirit" [1] . You see what group we classify the Latins who join us? If the names listed above the barrel are all heretics, Latins certainly are.
Finally, the wise patriarch of Antioch, Theodore Balsamon , wrote in his responses to Marc , Holy Patriarch of Alexandria: "Prisoners Latins, and others come in and ask our Catholic churches in communion divine sacraments. Can we give them, that is the question.
- " who is not with me is against me and who does not gather with Me scatters " (Matt. 12: 30, Luke 11: 23). Given that for many years the famous Church of the West, that of Rome, was separated from the communion of the four other patriarchs, in isolation in rites and dogmas foreign to those of the Catholic Church and Orthodox, for that reason, in celebration of the divine mysteries, the Pope has not the honor of being mentioned among the patriarchs at the time of anaphora; people of Latin confession can not receive the priest's hands the sanctification of the divine mysteries and pure, unless they agree to waive the first tenets and practice Latin, and they receive, as ordered the guns, a catechetical instruction and become full-fledged orthodox "(PG 138, c.968 AB)..
you hear? He says yes or no, they are separated in isolation not only in rituals but also in foreign dogmas of orthodoxy-or anything that is foreign to orthodoxy is heretical, and that they must, according to the canons, receiving a catechism and become orthodox to itself? Now it is clear that they must be catechized, they must also be chrismas. Hence arose their reputation for orthodoxy, when so many times and so many fathers and doctors have condemned them as heretics? Who them so easily rendered orthodox? This is gold, if you'll tell the truth, and the bribes that have affected you, or rather, gold has not visited Orthodox, but you, it made you become like them and gave thee thy lot among the heretics.
[1] Cf St. Nicodemus, Pidalion , Athens 1957, p. 163, Canon 7.
5. "But if we could develop a medium term in the dogmas, we would be united by their dogmas row, while remaining true to ourselves, without being forced to say anything contrary to our customs and our traditions. "That's a good reason that has deceived the most, since the beginning, and urged them to follow leaders who are trained in abyss of impiety. Believing that there is a balance between two opinions, as is the case for some opposites, these deserters were thrown into the lion's den.
However, s it is possible to find between two opinions, a medium formulation that also means one and the other by the set of the equivocal, However, between two conflicting views concerning the same object, it can be no mean opinion, without which there would also be a middle ground between truth and falsehood, between affirmation and negation. But it is nothing in all things, the alternative is exclusive: either the affirmation or negation. So if the Latin dogma, which says that the Holy Spirit proceeds also from the Son, is true, ours is untrue since we say that He proceeds from the Father alone, such is the reason why we separated them and if ours is true, they will necessarily be false. What medium can there be between these two things? No, otherwise a formula that fits both ambivalent opinions as a buskin going both right foot that left foot. And it is a similar formula that will unite us? And what will we do when we come to peer review the content of our beliefs and our doctrine? Or if we can call each other when we Orthodox believe the opposite of each other? For me, I think not up to you, you who have the art of messing things up and give things that you like the name. Want to see how Gregory the Theologian speaks formulas mean?
" was a figure who looks at you whichever way you get a buskin that fits both feet, a riddle to every wind (Ecclesiasticus" Sirach "5: 9), drawing its authority from their malice to interpret Scripture and artifice devised against the truth, because this form of "similar according to the Scriptures" was a covered bait the hook of iniquity "( Gregory Nazianzen, Homilies on St. Athanasius PG 35, c.1108 A.). So much for the medium term they had coined at that time. That the council had imagined, he said: "By what name to call this meeting? Tower of Babel, who lives just the confusion of tongues, would to God they were so confused, these languages in unison in evil! - Sanhedrin of Caiaphas, who condemned Christ? On yet another name? This meeting is all confused and reversed: it abolished the ancient and holy doctrine of the Trinity and the equality of honor which is his share, raising his batteries against the consubstantial and beating in the face of this bulwark in short, it paved the way for impiety by the middle ground between what said and what is written. Because " they had the wisdom to do evil, but they have not been able to do good " Jer. 4.22 ( Gregory Nazianzen , ibid. C. 1105 C.)
That will be enough on this issue of medium term we have amply demonstrated that it is absolutely not and that such research is ungodly and alien to the Church.
6. But what attitude to adopt, does it require, in respect of these Greco-Roman semi-fig and grape, who, as good solutions amateur medium, divided into three categories dogmas and rituals of the Romans: those that they approve openly and without reserve, and those they approve of, but not kiss them and those they disagree completely?
Shun them! Shun them like snakes, like people who trade of Christ, wholesale and retail, or worse. For they are those who, as the divine Apostle, make piety a source of profit (1 Tim. 6.5) and he still says "Flee this breed " (1 Tim. 6, 11) because is not to learn, but to line their pockets they are passed to the enemy. "But what is there in common between light and darkness? What agreement between Christ and Belial? Or what part of the believer with an unbeliever? "(2 Cor. 6, 14-15).
Because here are the facts: we, with Damascene (PG 93, c.882 B) and all the Fathers, without exception, we say that the Spirit does not proceed from the Son; them, with the Latins say that the Spirit proceeds from the Son.
And we with the divine Dionysius , we say that the Father is the only source of Divinity suressentielle (PG 3, c.641 D); them, with the Latins say that the Son is also the source of the Holy Spirit, thus expelling the latter out of the Godhead.
We with Gregory the Theologian, we distinguish the Father's Son by causality (PG 36, c.252 A); them, with the Latins, the conjoin by causality.
We, with the venerable Maxim , the Romans of his day and Fathers Western we are not the cause of the Son of the Spirit (PG 91, C.136 A); them say that the Son is, according to the Greeks, "cause", according to the Latins "principle" of the Spirit in their Defining Fair (it is fair to decorate with this name, since they have signed at the fair for fear).
We with Justin, philosopher and martyr , we say that the Spirit comes out of the Father, the Son as the fate of Father (PG 6, c.1224 A); them with the Latins say that the Son comes out immediately, but mediately the Spirit of the Father.
We with Damascene (PG, 94 c.824 A) and without exception all the Fathers, we confess to ignore how different generation and procession; them with Thomas and Latins say that the two different sources by the mediate and immediate.
We say, according to the Fathers, the will and energy of the divine and uncreated, uncreated are, themselves, with the Latins and Thomas, say that the will is the same as gasoline, and that energy God has created, even if it receives the name of divinity, and divine light curtain, the Holy Spirit, and other similar names; and they raise the infirm creatures to the rank of deity created, God created light, d Holy Spirit created!
We affirm that neither the saints already enjoy the Kingdom which has been prepared and untold property, nor sinners are already fallen into hell, but each other as they await respective group, which belongs to the time after Resurrection and Judgement; them, with the Latins, want some already enjoy immediately after death, what they are worth, for those in-between, that is to say that died without completing to do penance, they invented fire purgatory, different from that of hell, to which they entrust to the dead, they say, once their souls purified by the fire, after death, they find also place in the Kingdom with the righteous doctrine has even been recorded in their definition of faith.
We, the faithful canons as Apostles have laid down, we abhor the unleavened bread of the Jews, they say the same definition that the sacrifice that the Latins spend in their liturgy is the Body of Christ.
We say that the mere fact of having added something to the symbol of faith is illegitimate, anti-canonical and anti-patristic, they define it as a legitimate and well founded, as they know agree with themselves and with the truth!
We regard the pope as a patriarch among others, and this , Of course, if Orthodox ; them pompously proclaim very Vicar of Christ, and father and teacher of all Christians. May they be happier than their fathers, if they like him for the rest [2] ! Because he plays bad luck and is not happy with this antipope who torments incessantly, and our men did not want to imitate their father and doctor!
[2] Sophocles, Ajax . St. Mark plays on the name of Pope Felix (Happy).
7. Flee them therefore, brethren, they and their communion " these men are false apostles, artisans of deception, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. Nothing remains of the explosive, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. So it is no wonder if his servants also take the appearance of the servants of justice, each of which will end by works "(2 Cor. 11, 13-15).
Elsewhere, the Apostle also says of them: " Such men do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly and by and by their rhetoric and their language sweet, they abuse the simplest hearts (Rom. 16, 18); but the solid foundation of faith stands firm, sealed with the seal (2 Tim. 2, 19). And elsewhere: " Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of false circumcised" (Phil. 3, 2); again: "If someone tells you a gospel different from the one you received, even though it would be an angel from heaven, let him be accursed! "(Gal. 1.8).
See the prophecy contained these words: "still it would be an angel from heaven "to let no object you papal primacy. And the beloved disciple " If anyone comes to you without making this doctrine, receive him not under your yourself, do not tell him hello for he who greets his part in evil deeds " (2 Jn 10-11).
The Apostles you have set these rules, hold firm and keep written and unwritten traditions you received, lest the error of lawless no man deceive you and make you fall from your own steadfastness.
May the Almighty God to these men recognize their mistake and that He delivers us from this noxious weeds and brings us together in his attic as a pure and good wheat, in Christ Jesus our Lord ; Him be all glory, honor and worship, with his Father and his unprincipled all holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
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