Thursday, September 30, 2010

Smoking Wood Chips In Michigan


The contemporary idolatry
Alexander Kalomiros

The European is characterized by a terrible antagonism: the opposition of the outer man and inner man. The European is different in appearance from what it actually is. He lives and moves in the lie of conventional. Any civilization is an addition to conventional lies which he has adapted. It is egocentric to the extreme, but he behaves with others with absolute politeness, almost sought.

In underdeveloped countries, where men have not the sophistication of European civilization, each more or less expresses his inner world with a certain freedom and simplicity that not found in Europe. Their manners are steep, but men are more real. In Europe, this is considered a lack of civilization and spiritual development. Thus, it has come to consider that civilization lies in the continual play of hypocrisy, this "whited sepulcher filled with putrefaction" Mt 23.27 . It continuously cleans the outside of the cup to look clean men Luke 11.39, Matthew 23.25-26 .

But as happens with the Pharisees, this continual lie in which they live do not humiliate them. Instead they filled them with perfection external assurance of their superiority. The most characteristic sign of Europeans is pride! They see from above all other peoples they consider "Uncivilized" or "underdeveloped"

It may be that some of them are very interested in the needs of others. Individuals, groups or nations, and especially the underdeveloped where they feed on feelings of pity. But basically, they look at others as an entomologist interested in insects. They are men of feeling inferior to the love they have for a dog.

They see their civilization the same high opinion they have of themselves. They accept nothing without sifting through critical thinking skills which they are proud. They consider all the related values, even those they accept, and discuss with apparent depth of all that humanity has believed.

Their usual attitude is sympathetic agnostics who are willing to agree with you, letting you understand, of course, that nothing can prove anything you tell them and that therefore you indifferent.

Yet there is one thing that never goes through the mind these agnostics: it is to question the value of their civilization. Never has a civilization was superior to theirs. They may call into question or discuss different problems or challenges and minor partial order on their culture, and in detail, they even manage to express strong opposition, but they never doubt the correctness of the general line of their civilization.

The civilization of Europe is based on a religion, a religion that nobody wants to call it that because it is not the worship of one or more deities, but the worship of man .

The religion of the ancient Greeks and their civilization were nothing else but the worship of man. If the civilization of ancient Greece has found such an echo in the heart of Europe is precisely because of this resemblance interior.

Like the ancient Greeks, and Europeans have deified human reason, passions, strengths and weaknesses psychic. In a word, they have made man the center, the extent and purpose of everything. It is in man that the civilization of Europe has its source. It exists for human rights and draws its justification.

Perhaps there is disagreement as to the means by which to realize the improvement of human life. It may be that there are differences in how to worship the man. It may be that taking the man as the measure we get some results, but still and all, man is the center around which everything revolves, the source of their inspiration and purpose of their effort.

This is Europe.

Whatever the religion he believes have, basically religion is nothing but the worship of the idol man. The European stopped seeing the man in the image of God. He simply sees the image of himself.

In other words, the religion of Europe is the old religion of humanity, one that separated man from God . God's purpose is to deify man. But man led astray by the devil thought he could become a god without the grace of the Creator on his own initiative and by its own efforts alone. He hastened to enjoy the tree of knowledge before it is ripe for such food.

The result was that his eyes were opened and he knew good and evil, saw her naked body and spirit and was terrified. He does watch over (across) the Lord his God and ran away to hide his face. He understood that a great chasm opened between him and his Creator. Then the merciful Father cursed the cause of the disaster: the devil, "the old serpent." In his immense love He already promised hello: "And I will put enmity between thee (the serpent, the devil) and women (the Virgin) and between thy seed and her seed (Christ)." He will crush your head and thou shalt bruise his heel " Gen 3.15 . And that man does not live forever in this state of spiritual death, he sent him out of paradise" for fear that wider in scope and does not hand take the fruit of the Tree of Life, he eats and live for ever " Gen 3.22 . God allowed this, by mercy and love, death and bodily corruption which, as spiritual death, have been the consequence of breaking contact (of man) to the source of Life, that the soul does not remain for centuries in its spiritual mortification, his misfortune and nudity. Thus man separated from God and living the reality of continual death has become a slave of the devil.

So it was in reaction to the experience of its nullity that man loved man by proclaiming god. Indeed, the ancients had taught that the soul was a part of the divine substance, that is to say, it is divine in essence and therefore has not need God.

This man's inner desire to believe in his god, the joint effect of his submission to Satanic powers is the basis of all idolatry.

The religion of Europe is simply this primitive idolatry in modern form.

Popery, Protestantism, humanism, atheism, democracy, fascism, capitalism, communism, etc., and many other things born in Europe, are expressions of the same mind "humanolâtre. The civilization of Europe is nothing else than the result of an ongoing effort and anguish of the man raise his throne above God's throne . It is nothing more than to build a new tower of Babel where confusion prevails as to how to build, although the goal is common to all.

The ideal of the European ideal is identified with Lucifer. Basically, the same contempt of the goodness of God, the same insult to his love, the same rebellion and expulsion of his providence, the same ingratitude the same course in the desert, instead of driving the man upstairs, where he believes go, leads to the abyss of death.


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